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Inspiration and resources for your Hamlet essay.

Inside Hamlet: Model Essays for Students you will find three 1,500-word essays on each of the play’s main characters, relationships, and themes—a total of 42 easy-to-read, quick-to-rewrite and written-to-inspire sample essays.

by Brendan Munnelly

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Hamlet: Model Essays for Students

Ebook: $9.99
Paperback: $19.99

Pages:  323    Ebook:  $9.99    Paperback:  $19.99

#ElsinoreProbs: Hamlet retold in student Tweets

William Shakespeare’s 400+ year-old Tragedy of Hamlet retold in 461 funny tweets by 116 students from around the world. An excellent starting point for anyone new to the play. “’Tis a knavish piece of work” – Prince of Denmark.

Hamlet Retweeted Continue reading    >

The most helpful book ever for students and teachers of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

42 x 1,500-word model essays

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